The OSCE Competency Model is a framework of core values and core competencies specific to the OSCE that aims to define the behaviours that are essential to effective performance in a given position. Values are shared principles and beliefs that underpin the Organization’s work and that guide actions and behaviours of staff. Competencies are the skills, attributes and behaviours directly related to successful job performance.

The OSCE values and competencies apply to all OSCE officials, regardless of function or title. OSCE values and competencies are listed below and described in detail in the document “Our competency model”.

Core values

  • Commitment: Actively contributes to achieving organizational goals
  • Diversity: Respects others and values their diverse perspectives and contributions
  • Integrity: Acts in a manner consistent with the Organization’s core values and organizational principles
  • Accountability: Takes responsibility for own action and delegated work

Core competencies

  • Communication: Actively works to achieve clear and transparent communication with colleagues and with stakeholders of the Organization
  • Collaboration: Works effectively with others on common goals and fosters a positive, trust-based working environment
  • Planning: Works towards the achievement of goals in a structured and measured manner
  • Analysis and decision-making: Analyses available information, draws well-founded conclusions and takes appropriate decisions
  • Initiative-taking: Proposes and initiates new ideas, activities and projects
  • Flexibility: Responds positively and effectively to changing circumstances

Managers must, in addition to the values and core competencies, demonstrate a number of competencies that are deemed essential in a management role.

Managerial competencies  

  • Leadership: Provides a clear sense of direction, builds trust and creates an enabling environment
  • Strategic thinking: Identifies goals that advance the organizational agenda and develops plans for achieving them
  • Managing performance: Helps to maximize team performance by providing active feedback and skill development opportunities