Daniel Lezo
Senior Legal Officer - OSCE Mission in Kosovo
I have a Master’s degree in International and Humanitarian Law and I’m twice a Juris Doctor. I am also an attorney at law and all my academic and working backgrounds have inspired me to contribute towards the improvement of the juridical and social situation of persons in need, regardless of minority status, gender or ability/disability.
Since 2019, I have been seconded as a Senior Legal Officer to the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, working at the Law and Justice Section in the Human Rights and Communities Department. In my current position, I am based in Prizren and supervise the LJS Western Kosovo Team while monitoring the Judiciary in our area of responsibility (AoR) in respect to human rights and fair trial rights in three Regions, Courts and Prosecution offices in Prizren, Pejë/Peć and Gjakovë/Đakovica. Our team is working constantly to best fulfil OSCE’s mandate on judiciary and trial monitoring issues. We are dedicated to supporting the judiciary and to making progress in the implementation of laws to end hate crimes and all forms of discrimination. I consider it an honor to work on these issues in the world’s largest regional security organization. The OSCE is an organization of excellence, recognized as such by the local population in all areas of our mandate’s implementation, especially when it comes to protection of human rights.
Before joining the OSCE in 2019, I worked as a Legal Officer at EULEX – European Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo – for more than seven years as part of its Executive Department. Initially, I worked at the Special Prosecution Office and later at the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court of Kosovo. Some of my experiences there were linked to the Privatization Agency of Kosovo (PAK) and dealt with all kinds of cases of privatizations of Socially Owned Enterprises (SOE). Through different working groups, and in conjunction with local stakeholders, I contributed to the organization’s efforts to harmonize the legislation and policies on privatization issues, to protect and advance the rights of minority groups as well as focus on economic, social and cultural rights. One of our goals was to support diversity as an important factor in society. Prior to joining EULEX, I served as an attorney at law in my own law office in Italy where I provided legal aid and support to physical and juridical persons in criminal, administrative and civil law.
I would definitely recommend that people interested in making a difference look to the OSCE as an employer of choice. The organization offers amazing opportunities to work with experts from across the world who come here to contribute, share experiences, and make a difference with their stories and backgrounds. Working day by day on helping people to protect and realize their fundamental rights can be the best forge to prepare young experts for their careers or those more experienced like me to enhance our career journeys.